The prestigious Birmingham Zoo is utilizing the rink to attract more visitors, especially children, to what is certainly a unique activity in Alabama. Diversifying its range of leisure activities, the zoo plans to incorporate the rink into its different holiday activities, such as Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas with music, lighting and games in accordance with each theme. Expecting to draw consistent crowds, the 1,500 square foot rink (150m2 rink) will be in operation from October 2nd to February 28th.
Alabama´s warm climate, where January lows only reach 43 degrees Fahrenheit (26º Celsius) on average, makes ice skating a unique and appealing activity. Clearly, only the recent innovation in synthetic ice surfaces makes this novelty possible in regions with similar climates or in the summer months.
Are you thinking about renting an ice rink for the Christmas period? Perhaps you´re considering buying synthetic ice for your business or your home? Don´t hesitate to contact us for an estimate.